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5. Woo Bombs

Updated: Feb 28, 2023

What are woo bombs, you ask? I had to look it up to see if there was an official definition for ‘woo bomb’ and it looks like indeed, nope! There are wo-bombs but not woo-bombs. I might need to reach out to the urban dictionary…

First, let’s address woo. Sadly, it gets a bad rap. Whenever the word ‘woo’ or ‘woo woo’ is spoken, I’ve noticed it’s usually accompanied by air quotes, an eye roll, and/or a tone. You know the tone I’m talking about-a somewhat dismissive, judgemental, self-righteous sort of tone. On the contrary, it could be spoken with a flippant or even apologetic, embarrassed, or shy tone. In the past, this is usually how I would have spoken it- nearly in a whisper- definitely wrapped up in air quotes.

Rarely have I heard it spoken with a tone of reverence or awe. Santa Claus has more street cred than woo. Yet it is woo that has completely up-leveled my life. So I am taking the word back…

I declare woo to be something deserving of respect, awe, and humility. Woo, for me, is faith with a generous dusting of magic powder. It can be subtle whispers, gentle nudges, or two-by-fours across the face. In my experience, this has greatly depended on whether or not, I am paying attention and going with the flow. (Refer back to the waterskiing example in blog 3- Let Go.)

My curiosity about God, faith, religion, and spirituality started at a very young age. I remember being very little, slurping down cereal, and asking my dad a few questions about God. I’m pretty sure I caught him off guard and looking back, I imagine it felt a little early in the morning to be discussing such grandiose topics.

As I got older, the language in the Bible didn’t speak to me. I’m a science girl; I needed things to be literal. There was way too much interpretation needing to happen. The Bible couldn’t hold my attention.

As I pursued genetics, I learned science and math were my mother tongue. There was space for wondering and unambiguous procedures when testing such wonderings. Math and science were reproducible and fairly black and white. This felt safe. After reading the book, “The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins, I was convinced everything revolved around the gene and its selfish need to reproduce. I became an atheist. Really, more accurately, the gene became my higher power. I learned quickly in the science arena, if you’re a true scientist, it would be quite silly to believe in something that couldn’t be proven like God.

Somewhere in my mid-twenties, life took a turn (again) and I became a massage therapist. This was when I experienced energy exchange for the first time. I remember looking forward to working with some clients because I felt energized after their treatments, while quietly dreading others because I would feel drained afterward. I had heard things about protecting my energy etc. but I thought it was all, a bit, you know…”woo woo”.

I was still very skeptical about the God concept, and usually could only mutter something along the lines of the “J word”, when referring to Jesus. Simultaneously, I was starting to experience things that I could only label as 'signs' from the universe (ahem some might say God).

My first significant memory of a sign was in 2001. My boyfriend, at that time, and I had recently moved from Lake Tahoe, CA to Charlotte, NC. We felt like it was time to put on our adult pants and get real jobs. We wanted to see what our relationship was like outside of Lake Tahoe, in the real world. It was getting serious quickly. When we started having talks about getting engaged, I started having visceral reactions. My gut would clench and I would have visions of me having to give his mother’s ring back to him. His mother had passed away before I met him; her ring would be the engagement ring.

Finally, one night, I had a dream. In the dream, my dad was walking me down the aisle. Midway down the aisle, he looked over at me and said “don’t do this”. I woke up taking in the significance of this sign. This marked the beginning of the end of any discussions about future plans. Today, I would label that as a singular woo bomb. Recently, woo bombs have been exploding in my life nearly on the daily. It’s been bananas. 🍌🍌🍌

Question: Can you think back to a time when you had a dream or an urge to do something that led to a significant turning point in your life?

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